Nov 15, 2013
Keep your Identity a Secret on Unibet's Anonymous Tables
By RTR Dennis

There's nothing worse than trying to play online poker for fun, only to be stalked by a bunch of profit-hungry, note-taking regulars who've tabbed you as a fish. Even if you're not a beginner, it's still annoying to play at a poker room that's full of bumhunters, who refuse to play against anybody close to their skill level.
Luckily, Unibet Poker have devised a solution to these problems with their 'Anonymous tables.' The name says it all since anonymous tables conceal your identity with a generic player ID. So opponents won't have any information or notes on your game, and they'll only have in-game observations to go off of. This means that amateurs will have a much more enjoyable time at Unibet Poker because they don't have to worry about being targeted by sharks.
In order to find the Anonymous tables, just visit the Unibet lobby and look for the 'A' symbol next to cash game tables. After clicking a seat, you can be assured that the pros won't have notes or any pre-game advantage.
Current Unibet Promotions
Blazing Cannon - If you like fast-fold poker variations already, this promo should be right up your alley. Anybody who wins 20 raked pots in Blaze Poker stakes ranging from €0.05/€0.10 to €0.25/0.50 will get to play 'Blazing Cannon.' This fun bonus game sees players try to knock over a house of cards with a blazing chip. You could win €1, €10, or even €100 through Blazing Cannon!
Loyalty Freerolls - Every week, Unibet VIP players get to compete for €2,250 through Loyalty Freerolls. On Sunday night at 19:00 GMT, Gold Tier members play in a €1,500 freeroll while Silver Tier members play in a €750 freeroll.
World Sit'n'Go Masters - The Annual World Sit‘n’Go Masters is coming up, and Unibet want to send players to this prestigious event through €1,700 packages. Each package includes the €750 Main Event buy-in, €380 spending money, four nights' hotel accommodations and food and drinks. The World Sit'n'Go Masters runs from December 14th-16th in Prague, so win your package now!
MTT Jackpot Tournaments - Unibet give players an opportunity to win a €20,000 jackpot every night through their MTT Jackpot Tournaments. Both the €20K JACKPOT 1-2-3 and €20K JACKPOT 3-2-1 tourneys offer a €1,000 prize pool, and the buy-ins are just €1 and €3, respectively.